Boys of Summer: Vacaville’s Downtown Comic Book Store
Boys of Summer Comic Books has been at its current location, 490 Merchant Street #103, for over 36 years! If you’re looking for new comic book subscriptions in Vacaville, Boys of Summer is the place to go.
Boys of Summer opened in downtown Vacaville in 1989, originally selling baseball cards. As the market for collectible cards changed, so did the business model. Boys of Summer transitioned to selling comic books and is Vacaville’s longest-running comic book store today!

Boys of Summer Comic Books focuses on new comic books and has only a small selection of back-issues and almost no “old” comic books. Kevin, the owner, will hold comic books for customers to pick up at their leisure.

In addition to comic books, Boys of Summer sells collectible toys, games and figurines. If you know a comic book fan, this is a great place to pick up a gift for them. Support local businesses by buying your comic books in downtown Vacaville!
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