A Vacaville, CA flag flies in the wind over California.

The All Vacaville Newsletter

Want a simple way to get Vacaville’s current events, news and important updates sent right to your inbox? If you live, work or play in Vacaville, we’ve got jus the thing for you… and it’s totally free!

What you’ll get

Every Friday morning, we’ll send you a digest of what happened around Vacaville this week. Scroll down and you’ll see a list of events for the coming weekend.

One e-mail gets you up to speed on what’s been going on around the City of Vacaville.

We hope to provide so much value in this weekly e-mail that it’ll be the highlight of your Friday morning!

Why do we do this?

Local is the most important part of what we are!

We are from Vacaville (third generation!) We love this community and want to keep people connected. There’s no political motive or angle in what we provide, just information and fun, local events.

Newspapers, television stations and other media sources have agendas or overhead they need to pay for. Social media platforms are filled with a jungle of unvetted, misleading and biased content. We bring the most important local events from your home town and deliver them in a straight-forward and factual manner.

If you want to know what’s going on in Vacaville, sign up for the All Vacaville newsletter.

How to join the All Vacaville newsletter?

To sign up of the All Vacaville weekly newsletter, just enter your e-mail address in the box at either the top or bottom of this page. You’ll receive a confirmation e-mail, but there’s no need to reply or confirm your address. That’s it!

We can’t wait to have you be part of Vacaville’s best free newsletter.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a cost to join the All Vacaville newsletter?

No. The newsletter is completely free.

Can I easily unsubscribe to the All Vacaville newsletter?

Yes. It is easy to unsubscribe at any time.

Who publishes the All Vacaville newsletter?

The All Vacaville newsletter is published by AllSolano.com. Its founder, Brandon Stocking generally authors the newsletter.

Does All Solano have any other newsletters?

We hope to expand our publications to have a super-local newsletter for each city within Solano County. For now, we only have the All Vacaville newsletter.

Can I sponsor an edition of the All Vacaville newsletter?

If you or your business is interested in sponsoring a post or a banner advertisement on the newsletter, reach out to us at sales@allsolano.com